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293 weeks ago

Avatar Movie Free Download Hd

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a5c7b9f00b In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to a moon, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.
On the lush alien world of Pandora live the Na'vi, beings who appear primitive but are highly evolved. Because the planet's environment is poisonous, human/Na'vi hybrids, called Avatars, must link to human minds to allow for free movement on Pandora. Jake Sully, a paralyzed former Marine, becomes mobile again through one such Avatar and falls in love with a Na'vi woman. As a bond with her grows, he is drawn into a battle for the survival of her world.
I found that the world I was taken to very amazing, but that still does not make up for the fact that I was expecting much much more. <br/><br/>A script takes 15 years to write, and of course people are going to be expecting a masterpiece, and thats what we got, a visual masterpiece, but not much more. This movie is a must see, but don't wait till DVD or you will likely be DISAPPOINTED with the movie, this movie was meant to be seen in 3-D.<br/><br/>Above all the chatter in the theater, the heads in my view and some girls shouting this is my favorite movie ever, I really had a fun time watching this movie.<br/><br/>I am very curiousto how James Cameron is going to top this one. If the next movie does not put more into its other aspects(other than visuals, that is), I will be disappointed for one thing because taking us to a new world, and keeping us there are two different matters all together. <br/><br/>Danial
AVATAR has a soul <br/><br/>I saw AVATAR today. It was a boiling 40 degrees Celsius in Australia. I caught a bus and train to get there. I spent months on a forum before that. Incremental stops included a scriptment, stills, a teaser, a foot, AVATAR day and a full trailer. Now released I have had many reviews to read which have been mostly very positive. <br/><br/>It is a marvel to watch. The opening scenes are very sci-fi with a glimpse of low gravity aboard a space-craft. Sam Worthington fills us in with a short narration. He is taking over his diseased brother's role in the AVATAR program. These opening scenes are actually among the most effective 3D in the film, pulling you into this story, tracking shots putting you into the steps of the characters. <br/><br/>I jump ahead, like the film, to The world of Pandora which is lush with earthly lifeseen through pulp fantasies. The rendering of this world is terrific. The life and activity is in the plantsmuchit is the animals. Wonder is generated with this ambitious creation. Cameron has lifted the bar. The CG is the best I have ever seen. Everything you have heard is true. The 3D enhances this with leaves falling and swaying branches life-like in the foreground. <br/><br/>The realisation of the Navii is also ambitious. They are CG but there are many moments that make you think they are real and in terms of the story they are more than good enough to propel the narrative with strong emotional content. <br/><br/>I went into this film knowing mostly everything within it. Hours of reading, some from the treatment and pages of the recent reviews. It is very much a family film like "Nealz" said in his IMDb review. There is a moment where one of the ferocious animal species that earlier were attacking Jake are seen with a litter, the children in the audience loved the cute pups! The spiritual side of this film is much better than expected. It is in fact a beautiful story. The structure is classical film-making but with amazingly new scope in CGI to express grand images. An epic <br/><br/>The journey that Jake takes through Pandora is lovely. He is taken in by the Navii and explores their culture, language and habitat. Natirii, the female Navii he meets while lost, helps him through this journey. This is a love story of both soul mates and with a wider picture. Existential connections with the natural world. Personal destiny. <br/><br/>I had tears in this film. I tried to hold them back but by the roll of credits they came. This is a movie that I have anticipated for so long. I think the ingredients of its story and my connection to this films production gave me a very emotional response. I cant imagine this disappointing any of the fans on the board. Keeping in mind that it is a family film but delivered everything I wanted. <br/><br/>Expect a special edition. After AVATAR is a hit, a special edition will make its way to the cinema. I can understand why they would cut the earth scenes and it works. The actual film seems pretty brisk and it could also have more padding out. You want more of it and that is a triumph for this type of film running two and a half hours. It is a good balance because at two and a half hours AVATAR is aimed directly at the cinema going audience. Broadly appealing with elements for everyone. My earlier prediction of a billion or more world-wide seems safe. <br/><br/>I don't want to go on about visuals too much but the lovely shots of the natural wonderland of glowing life in still 3D shots is magical. Something to take kids to see. Floating tiny neon li<br/><br/>fe jellyfish their way through the air with grace. The monkey-like extra-limbed creatures with the peeping eyes flock through the forrest quickly. The creature design is done in a clever way with the motion of a living thing. The action is over the top, epic, frenetic and a new take on the battle sequence. <br/><br/>James Cameron didn't stuff this up. He probably pressed the studio way beyond their comfort zone with the time, money and effort that has gone into this. Sam Worthington is excellent casting choice. Sigourney Weaver ads frank reason. Stephen Lang chews the scenerythe ultimate you know what. Zoe Saldana is beautifulJakes guide into this world and. <br/><br/>I went to the cinema and it was a very hot day. By the time I left the cinema, the streets were wet with rain. A warm humidity was thick in the air. Lightning splashed my walk to the train station with white light. I honestly wondered if It was my time to be struck down with a bolt of electricity from the sky. <br/><br/>Watch this film. It is destined to become a childhood classic to many little-ones too young to be on this forum. It will be talked about at high school by male and femalesspectacular. It will be watched multiple times by fans. I loved it but beyond my appreciation for the film itself, is the the message of love permeating from this movie that I hope enters the zeitgeist like elements of Cameron's other stories have. At its heart is a soul. AVATAR is an achievement in many technical departments but I wouldn't say the story is deficient. It is a beautiful experience and the story is surprisingly what I loved most. <br/><br/>Believe the hype.
It's been twelve years since "Titanic," but the King of the World has returned with a flawed but fantastic tour de force that, taken on its meritsa film, especially in two dimensions, warrants four stars. However, if you can wrap a pair of 3D glasses round your peepers, this becomes a transcendent, full-on five-star experience that's the closest we'll ever come to setting foot on a strange new world. Just don't leave it so long next time, eh, Jim?
In the year 2149, paraplegic ex-Marine Jake Sully (<a href="/name/nm0941777/">Sam Worthington</a>) is offered the chance to travel to Pandora, a distant Class-M world inhabited by a 10-foot-tall cat-like humanoid race, the Na'vi, in order to help exploit the planet's resources. Arriving nearly six years later, in 2154, he remotely "drives" a genetic hybrid of a Na'vi and his late identical twin brother Tom in order to learn about and influence them. He falls in love with Neytiri (<a href="/name/nm0757855/">Zoe Saldana</a>), the eldest daughter of the local tribal leaders, finding their culture and relationship to the planet to be compelling. Now he must choose sides, either remaining loyal to his fellow humans (consisting of the mining corporation, scientists, and the Marines sent to protect them) or to helping protect the Na'vi and their planet. Avatar was filmed from an original screenplay penned by writer/director/producer James Cameron. However, the screenplay does contain elements and concepts from several science fiction works, including The Jesus Incident (1979) by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom, Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card, and Winds of Altair by Ben Bova, to name a few. <a href="/title/tt1630029/">Avatar 2 (2020)</a>, <a href="/title/tt1757678/">Avatar 3 (2021)</a>, and <a href="/title/tt3095356/">Avatar 4 (2024)</a> are in the works with release dates planned for 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively. "Avatar" is a Sanskrit word meaning incarnation or embodiment. Both this film and the Avatar series are named after this concept. In modern internet usage, the term refers to a small image that appears near a message author's name/handle (ID, nick, gamertag or such). Like the handle, the image appears beside all messages (posts, articles, columns, tweets etc.) the person submits to a system, actinga representation of the person, muchthe hybrid alien bodies are representations of the humans using them. No. This is a completely original movie conceived about a decade before <a href="/title/tt0417299/">Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003)</a> (2005-2008) aired on the Nickelodeon channel. Because Cameron's concept and screenplay was already registered and copyrighted, he still reserves the right to use the word "avatar"the title of his movie. A film based on the TV series was released in 2010<a href="/title/tt0938283/">The Last Airbender (2010)</a>, but the word "Avatar" was dropped from the title to avoid confusion with this film. This is never explained in the film and is considered to be a MacGuffin, a film term for an item that is unimportant except for its part in progressing the plot. "Unobtainium" is a humorous term used mainly in the aerospace industry to describe the perfect material for an application except for the fact that it does not exist, that it is extremely expensive to make or obtain (hence the name "un-obtain-ium"), or that it is required to violate the laws of physicsthe person or persons making the remarks understand them. Corporation administer Parker Selfridge (<a href="/name/nm0000610/">Giovanni Ribisi</a>) states that it's worth "$20 million per kilo", so its value can be related to items suchgold, silver, gems, and large diamonds. Another possibility stems from two scenes in which a sample of the mineral is seen floating in mid-air over a relatively small and weak magnet, about the size of the average pincushion. Superconducting materials are sometimes shown hovering in a magnetic field in demonstrations, but current superconductors only exhibit such behavior when cryogenically cooled. Modern science is attempting to create materials that are superconducting at more useful temperatures. One could guess, then, that the mineral is a naturally-occurring "room temperature superconductor", which would be very valuable indeed. A line by Jake that was cut from the theatrical version and put back in the Extended Edition reveals that Unobtainium is indeed a superconductor (Jake's line also confirms that Pandora's floating mountains are made of the mineral). The film does not explain it but viewers have offered several possibilities, including: (1)most, if not all, of the military and science crew weren't handicapped (aside from Jake), they wouldn't see a point in spending the money on a more advanced wheelchair, (2) being a former marine, Jake purposefully chose a manually powered wheelchair so he'd still be able to getmuch exercisepossible given his condition, (3) Jake cannot afford something more advanced, (4) because the ability to cure paralysis ("get new legs"said in the movie) exists, people have never bothered advancing wheelchair technology (or it was phased out over the years), and (5)storage space and weight are a concern, a collapsible and portable wheelchair is preferable to a heavier, larger chair. As an example, consider the size of the storage locker assigned to Jake and his only having one small sea bag (dufflebag to non-jarheads) of personal gear. James Cameron also states in his early draft scriptlet that it costs "a million dollars a pound to get something from Pandora back to Earth." The four-minute Earth intro that was reinserted into the Extended Edition has Jake reveal that his VA benefits amount to very little money which implies that he is unable to afford a more advanced wheelchair (in fact he is using the same wheelchair on Earth thus confirming that it is his property). Colonel Quaritch (<a href="/name/nm0002332/">Stephen Lang</a>) states that he received the scars on his first day on Pandora. While the movie doesn't state how it happened, we can assume that the wildlife, likely a viperwolf or thanator (the large cat-like creature that Jake escapes), gave it to him. We see several floating mountains in the movie having majestic waterfalls, starting from close to the top of the mountain. Yet there is no snowcap and no place for enough precipitation to collect in order to fuel waterfalls of that size. Three explanations have been offered that might explain that conundrum.<br/><br/>(1) When it rains on Pandora, the water is stored in the rock of the mountainsgroundwater (the samewater is trapped in the porous rocks on Earth). This would not require constant precipitationthe "floating mountains" themselves actaquifers (rock-made reservoirs) if it can be assumed that the upper layers of rock are permeable i.e. water can percolate into them, but the lower levels of the mountains are impermeable, thus the water is trapped inside the rocks themselves and do not simply fall out of the bottom. Heavier rocks lying above the lighter rocks could also help to pressurize the water and push it upwards toward the top of the mountain rather than pouring out half-way down (much the same wayoil is pressurized underground and forced upwards).<br/><br/>(2) The rocks quickly condense water from the surrounding fog on their surface and guide it through creeks to the waterfalls on their sides. The mountains are shown surrounded by a significant amount of fog.<br/><br/>(3) The flux vortex (the unusual magnetic conditions that allow the rocks to float) allows water to behave in unusual ways, e.g., after falling from the waterfalls, the water evaporates or is magnetically drawn back up to the underside of the rock, whereby it moves upwards via capillary action only to cycle back out at the top again. Avatars were controlled either by telepresence or by mind upload from the scientists into the avatar body, then mind download back to preserve memories. Both cases require a high-speed data connection between the operator and the Avatar. This connection would also go through the field that prevented humans from tracking the Na'vi, because Jake wakes up many times in the middle of the Na'vi forest. Given that the humans had this brain-avatar data connection all the time, it stands to reason that they could use it to communicate among themselvesavatars. In the movie, however, Jake and other scientists are still using the radios that are hanging around their necks. One possibility is that they needed radios to communicate with non-Avatars: aircraft pilots, the Na'vi, or other humans. Hence, Avatars just used radios to communicate among themselves out of convenience. It is also possible that the type of link they use for controlling the Avatars is not practical for other types of communication. One such possibility would be that of a direct, neuron level connection between the avatar and the controller. This type of connection (based on quantum entanglements, which could explain why it is not affected by distance or interference from the field) would not be "translated" by a machine so it couldn't be used to transmit anything other than body control "commands" in both directions.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by Forconswantne

swayer replied

171 weeks ago

Avatar is a great movie to watch. garage door repair newport beach It really gets your brain going and it is a very colorful and inspired piece of artwork. I would recommend this movie to anybody who likes to think outside of the box.
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